
Yael Serlin

https://youtu.be/74ZQNw8aiog?si=6_WiBOHth4nvLARE Yael Serlin, Kaddish, 2018. Excerpt from a video, 5 min. Photography: Doron Oved. © The artist Yael Serlin, Cartography of Lost Signs, 2018-2020. Mixed media on blackboard, 200 × 260 cm. Artist’s collection  ‘Video Text’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xytL9llLQSg&feature=youtu.be Yael Serlin, Weaving at Sunset (Detail), 2019. Video, 15-hour documentation of weaving. Background drawing: Maya Israel. © The […]

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Dafna Shalom

https://vimeo.com/60012329 Dafna Shalom, Hamavdil, 2008. Video and stereo installation, 9:58 min., loop. Sound and melody: Victoria Hanna. © The artist https://vimeo.com/247838785 Dafna Shalom, Evening Prayer, 2008. Video and audio, 4:23 min., loop. Sound: Dikla Dori.  ©The artist  ‘Video Text’ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar

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Amira Ziyan

Amira Zian, To Touch the Clouds, 2012. Photography on Dibond, 105 x 70 cm. Artist’s collection Amira Zian, Jamila, 2017. Photography on Dibond, 50 x 70 cm. Artist’s collection  ‘Video Text’ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Amira Zian, Untitled, 2016. Photography on

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