Yael Serlin

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Yael Serlin, Kaddish, 2018. Excerpt from a video, 5 min. Photography: Doron Oved. © The artist

Yael Serlin, Cartography of Lost Signs, 2018-2020. Mixed media on blackboard, 200 × 260 cm. Artist's collection
Yael Serlin, Cartography of Lost Signs, 2018-2020. Mixed media on blackboard, 200 × 260 cm. Artist's collection

 ‘Video Text’

Yael Serlin lives and creates in Jerusalem. Serlin is a multidisciplinary artist. She holds a master’s degree from HaMidrasha – The Beit Berl Faculty of the Arts, a bachelor’s degree summa cum laude from the Emunah Art Academy where she currently serves as Director. Serlin has participated in many group exhibitions and her works can be found in private collections both in Israel and overseas.
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Yael Serlin, Weaving at Sunset (Detail), 2019.
Video, 15-hour documentation of weaving. Background drawing: Maya Israel. © The artist

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Yael Serlin, Sleep, 2018-2020. Video installation, 3 min., loop. ©  The artist

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Yael Serlin, Earthly Jerusalem, 2018-2020. From the series ” CAVE”. 5 soundtracks.  Artist’s collection

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